Mortgage Broker I’ve been in the mortgage industry for more than a decade and believe me I’ve encountered about every circumstance you can imagine. The lessons I’ve learned have made me a shrewd, sympathetic and successful advisor to hundreds and hundreds of clients Canada-wide, many of whom have returned to me for guidance in setting up a renewal, refinancing or purchase of additional property. A big difference between a bank and a broker is that a Mortgage broker has connections with broker-exclusive mortgage companies and a wide variety of lenders (including, but not limited to, the big banks). Once you’ve helped me understand your financial circumstances and preferences, I find the most advantageous rates, as well as mortgage features most suited to your needs (very important!). I have helped many people with previous credit difficulties secure a mortgage – much to their delight! Like my clients, I have roots that go deep into the community. I founded an animal support group (I have four rescue cats and a dog that I love dearly) and have been committee chair for the Humane Society. I have been a committee chair for a community multicultural organization and board member of a women’s shelter. |